Humble Beginnings

Our story dates back a long, long time ago. Memphis, green grass, country fried steak, and horses. Being a family owned business, we were fortunate enough to inherit property from a distant relative. Over 600 acres of farm land spread throughout the family. With the share of land and a passion for milk, we purchased cattle, to mess with. Soon, we discovered that our passion did not reside with cows, but rather, with the horses that roamed free. We made it our personal journey to become a rescue and rehab center for these wild animals. Then, we changed courses again, and started selling them instead. When the profits started to roll in, we were enlighted, and haven't changed.

Our Uncle Browning, proud banana farmer, always had a sidekick working the fields with him. Sometimes, that sidekick would be members of the family, but most of the time, it was a friendly pet. Uncle wasn't the type of man to keep anything around if it were a giant annoyance-- which is why it shocked the world when he decided to hire his pet rat as the asset manager. The rat was constantly acting in hysteria, moving all over the place like a spaz, and naturally was frustrating to be around.

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